A note for prayers, CEP team to the east of Ukraine
Dear friends and Partners,
This is just a note for your prayers
We have a team of 6 going to the frontline today.
We are taking 2 vans. Some of you know Svitlana and Alina. They and a Ukrainian pastor I’ve [Malcolm Clegg] known for 40 years, Svitlana’s brother and another guy are the team travelling and driving 2 vans. We will be seeing how and where our transport goods have been used and where best we can help in the coming months over the upcoming winter, which people we can help who are reaching out to others.
Praise the Lord we had a smooth and quick border crossing (Poland-Ukraine).
Please pray for travel by night on pot holed roads, for safety near the front line and that we would be an encouragement and light pointing toward Jesus those whom we meet.
Our first stop will be Pavlograd for you geographers. Hopefully we will have bullet proof vests etc. but our trust is in God. May He guard and guide you and us.
yours with warm greetings, our CEP travel team