Help for diabetic people in Ukraine
We are very glad that with the support of our partners and friends (churches, ReachBeyond organisation, individuals) we are able to help those suffering diabetes. A big thank you for all involved in different ways to be able to meet the needs of some of these people.
“Every appeal, every story involves pain. People are desperate and search for help anywhere where it is possible.
Someone has no work and is not able to buy any materials, someone can’t get any insulin. Someone’s second child is ill, and for someone it’s the third child who doesn’t feel well. These stories break the hearts of our volunteers. And we understand how much our work and support is needed, but not everything depends on us.
We are grateful to our beneficiaries. You have supported us and continue supporting. We keep appealing to you…
Please, don’t leave our Ukrainian people alone with this disease. Each bit of your help is much needed to control diabetes and life. Life without added complications. Every help we receive is the great work of significant numbers of people. We are grateful for the team of people who support and help Ukraine.
Thank you for your kind and supportive heart.”