New Business School


The team at Territory 2:2 in Lutsk, Ukraine, are forging ahead with plans to start a Business School in their Education Centre. This will be attractive to teenagers, as the subject is not taught in general school. This week the staff who will be involved are having a week of intensive training in Lutsk, and next week are driving to Bratislava for a further week of training at the Agathe Centre, with several expert business trainers giving freely of their time to prepare the teachers for teaching this new area for them. The course syllabus has been bought, and funds donated from UK to buy 6 computers, so that classes for 6 students can be held, thus making it cost-effective. Classes are planned to begin during the Summer, and the teens and their parents have high expectations, so prayer is requested that expectations will be met in a professional manner, and further, that all will be for the glory of God.