Thankful for our concern

Here is news from our Partner, The Treasury of Wisdom School in Lutsk, where they are experiencing a new depth of trusting in the Lord :

Dear friends at CEP,  Thank you for your care in which we see God’s care for us.
Our Treasury of Wisdom School had a two-week forced vacation after the beginning of the war. We started online studying on Tuesday, March 15, as the authorities called for it. Currently, 30% of teachers and about 40% of students have left Ukraine. From 135 students about 100 students joined our online lessons. In addition to the problems that war brought, we have two problems. Firstly, students start to move to other schools. I think some of them will finish this school year and then make a decision about the place of studying . Secondly, not all parents who want their children to study at our school, are able to pay for tuition, which means that we will not be able to pay full salaries.
But, as Jesus Christ taught, we take care of today with hope that God will take care of tomorrow.
Thank you for your willingness to receive people in your houses. I will inform my staff about this possibility and if someone has such an opportunity we will write you.
May the Lord bless you. Thank you, Sergiy