Integra Aid
We are now focusing on the newly liberated areas, where we are finding people without heat, light, food, clean water, sanitation…living in almost unbearable conditions now in below zero temperatures.
We have been able to ship almost 100 large trucks full of aid. But the need remains so great, it can at time look hopeless. Mentioning this to our daughter last week, she sent me a quote (not from Scripture, but from Gandalf ;-).
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.”
With winter now becoming heavy, we are redoubling our efforts to focus on sending “heat, light, food” to help Ukrainians survive until Spring. Thanks for your prayers, and encouragement to continue believing with us in God’s ability to multiply small acts of kindness, to push back the evil these people are so courageously facing.
blessings, Allan and Caulene Bussard