Thanksgiving in Ukraine
We have received Christmas greetings from some of our Partners, and as we all prepare in our various countries for another Christmas under some form of restrictions, let us rejoice in the God who came into this world to redeem us and who still has all things in his control.
We think especially of our Partners in Ukraine. Christmas is celebrated there on January 6th; Territory 2:2 are holding a winter camp over New Year, and the Treasury of Wisdom School has sent us this note about how they celebrated Thanksgiving last month :
Dear friends,
in October-November with God’s help, we managed to hold some events for Thanksgiving. We also had a useful meeting with Professor of Mathematics Marcus Jobes from the United States, and lessons with Roger Brind, history teacher and former school principal from Wales. And the teachers had a seminar on “How to motivate students to learn” with Mr. Roger. Both of our guests are Christians who sincerely love God, and this is evident in their ministry.
Although some of our children are currently in distance learning, due to quarantine, we are not discouraged, we continue to teach and at the same time sow the good seeds of God’s word in children’s hearts.
On the day of Thanksgiving, brain-rings were held for primary and secondary school students, during which children had the opportunity to show their knowledge in various areas, such as the Bible, sports, national education, nature, food, medicine and others. Lessons dedicated to the holiday were also held, During them children looked for something to thank God for. They presented their answers in the form of posters and decorated the school with them.