Three Strands of Youth for Christ
News from Wroclaw
The first months of 2019 are behind us.
Already have happened, among others :
- EWAKUACJA – evangelistic student meetings
- KOBIE.TY – events for women
- NARNIA – our community center is still open during the week for Kids Club

This student group took place in the Surowiec club, a place which is a famous point on the student map of Wroclaw. Thanks to this, we can reach young people who have never had the opportunity to hear the gospel before. We managed to establish a good relationship with this place, and thus the chances of long-term cooperation.
We started the new semester with God’s power, and we can not wait to see how God will continue to work.

Kobie.TY, our new ministry to women, took place for only the third time, and we are already very surprised by how quickly our attendance is growing and how our meetings in the city are reflected.
50 unique women. 50 different stories. One goal – to build the awareness of God’s woman and daughter.
Kobie.TY is a common platform for building relationships and identities. A place where we create culture for future generations of conscious women who can say about themselves I am who I am.
A few words about Kobie.TY from women:
I appreciate these meetings because they connect women from different backgrounds, at different ages and with different experience. Each of us can feel good there and get inspired to a happy and fulfilled life, and at the same time take a break from the rush of everyday tasks and eat something good.
On Saturday, how intense, because of three of my children, with whom there is always something to do. Come to the nearby mountain, the evening I decided to invest in myself and relax in the company of women at the invitation of my good friend. It turned out well. The subject that was touched at the meeting touched me in the most sensitive places of self-acceptance and looking at my mistakes from the position of the Father’s love. I understood that I must forgive myself for not being in the place where I should be. I understood that being a mother is part of fulfilling God’s call in my life, not a brake to development in the Spirit. I understood that God has plan A, plan B, plan C and never stops believing in me. I am glad that I was where I was supposed to be this Saturday and, apart from the delicious food for the body, I grew spiritually.

With the beginning of the new semester, our “Narnia” Club has been launched again, with more and more kids coming. With the development of the day-room and increasing needs, we also want to expand it and enlarge it to another room. Behind one of the walls of our day-room there is a vacant room. We have already entered the process of acquiring this room. We ask you for prayer support for the favor of officials.