Hot Czech Summer

The hot Summer we experienced in Britain was also felt in Czech Republic, and was a feature of the annual English camp run by Pavel and Julia’s church. Pavel enjoyed a useful visit to the US earlier in the Spring,…

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Czech News

Pavel and Julia are enjoying better health, as well as the better weather! They have still been helping many though, through some family and marriage conferences. Read their latest news here : Parakletos NL_May2018

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News from Partners

As we held our CEPUK Board meeting last Saturday, we received greetings and appreciation from several of our Partners in Europe, along with some encouraging items of news : In Slovakia there have been large street demonstrations in protest against corruption, at…

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Czech Christmas Greetings

Pavel of Parakletos has been recovering from illness, and only gradually taking up many of his ministries again. 25 years ago, Pavel set up an evangelical publishing company, which remains the foremost such in Czech Republic, and in God’s perfect timing, a…

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Praise and Prayer for Parakletos

Pavel and Julia have sent a newsletter, full of praise and encouragement for all the lives touched through their ministry. But it is concerning to hear that Pavel’s health has suffered, perhaps from being overstretched in this valuable work. Please…

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Czech Seminars

Pavel writes “God continues to be our Strength, equips us to serve Him BEYOND our capacity, and is graciously teaching us patience” Read about the work of Parakletos in recent months here : Parakletos Dec 16 News

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Czech News

Pavel and Julia are having to stay fairly close to home, to care for Pavel’s elderly mother, but they are still having a full ministry to people in Czech Republic – with the occasional help of Skype! Catch up with…

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