Integra Slovakia

Integra began in 1995 as a response to the needs in post-communist Slovakia. Their emphasis has always been on solutions to poverty, at first within Slovakia, and now that Slovakia is a much wealthier country overall, on encouraging Slovaks to…

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Slovak help in Africa

Allan wrote last weekend : For your prayers, Caulene goes later today to Ethiopia and Kenya, to visit six different programs which provide schooling to more than 1000 children, of which many are sponsored by Slovak families. She will be…

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Mission FROM Eastern Europe

Mission to the East in Poland have several missionaries working in countries further East than Poland, seeking support for them from within Poland (though open to support offered from UK as well!), and they have just accepted a couple who…

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Fair Trade Coffee

An example of the ethical businesses which Integra models in Slovakia is a fair-trade coffee roastery. Read about the source of the coffee in Allan’s latest letter :   Legend has it that coffee comes to us from Ethiopia. That it was…

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Concert in Africa

Our Slovakian Partner Integra continues to inspire Slovak society and Christians to be involved in mission in Africa. Allan tells us of their latest enterprise : “Man does not live by bread alone”. These words are just as true today as when…

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