Hope and Help in Ukraine

Sergiy has sent us a report of all that Realis has been able to do to help people affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine. Please note that the details he gives for donations are for people in the USA…

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Those who can’t leave

A reminder from our friends on the ground of what life is like close to the front line for people who are still living there : Shortly before Christmas I was visiting a small town in northeast Ukraine, where we…

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Ukraine/Russia Border Town

Some more details about the town of Semenivka, mentioned in yesterday’s post. The farmer/evangelist there known to Sergiy, named Andriy/Andrey -spellings of towns and people vary according to Ukrainian/Russian spellings – is very active in the church there and in…

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Another Van!

Thanks to the charity “Pickups for Peace”, we have the opportunity to transport donated aid to Ukraine again very soon! Our friends Sergiy and Andriy in Kyiv are not only helping people locally whose homes have been destroyed, but working…

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Integra Aid

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, we at Integra have pivoted towards shipping humanitarian aid to the most needy populations in the East and South of the country. We are now focusing on the newly liberated areas, where…

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Aid from Slovakia

Allan and Caulene in Bratislava have been using the resources of the Integra Alliance to mobilise aid to go into Ukraine and be taken to where it can be effectively transferred to those who are in desperate need. Caulene has…

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CEP Partners in Ukraine

REALIS in Kyiv and INTEGRA in Bratislava have joined forces to bring humanitarian aid to people in and around Kyiv. And the Lord wonderfully spared the brand new REALIS dormitory building form Russian looters and it is now being used…

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