All ages in Ukraine

Territory 2:2 in Lutsk, Ukraine, have sent a lovely report, full of photos, about their work with children of all ages, as well as adults through the language school and the ministry to widows of the ongoing conflict in the…

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Visiting CEP in Ukraine

Here in the UK we enjoy having Partners from the East to visit us and share with us the work they are doing. But they really love it if visitors from here can visit them there and see first-hand what…

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Leaning on God, not our own strength

At the end of the first week of the “Around the World” camp in Lutsk, Ukraine, many of the leaders (and thankfully, only a very few of the children) came down with a severe bout of food-poisoning and some were…

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Here in England, the children are still plodding on at school, but in Eastern Europe, school holidays have begun, and there are many opportunities for children to go away for a week-long camp in the beautiful countryside, or even a…

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