Ukraine Kids Camp

Slava has been running, with all the Territory 2:2 team, a camp in cooperation with the local authorities, for children who have been affected by the war ie their father is away fighting, or has been injured or killed. Please…

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Hope and Help in Ukraine

Sergiy has sent us a report of all that Realis has been able to do to help people affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine. Please note that the details he gives for donations are for people in the USA…

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Partnering with UN

Allan writes from Slovakia : When I last wrote, I told you about a group of Ukrainian children who had been returned from being kidnapped to Russia. We had been asked if we could provide counseling for them. Not knowing…

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Light in the Dark

Our Partner REALIS in Kyiv continues to function, but amidst the ongoing tragic circumstances of the country. Praise God for the pinpricks of light and hope they are able to bring to some of those in greatest need. Sergiy has…

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Those who can’t leave

A reminder from our friends on the ground of what life is like close to the front line for people who are still living there : Shortly before Christmas I was visiting a small town in northeast Ukraine, where we…

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Prayer update

Dear friends,  We appreciate your prayer support very much.  Alina who went on a trip to Donetska region (east of Ukraine) came back safely. They had their own adventures on the road with the van, but it worked well in…

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Prayer request

Dear friends,  Thanks a lot for supporting us in prayer. Thank you for praying for people doing the trips to the east of Ukraine.  Please pray for our dear friend Alina who is going to the front line area, near…

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