Ukraine Kids Camp

Slava has been running, with all the Territory 2:2 team, a camp in cooperation with the local authorities, for children who have been affected by the war ie their father is away fighting, or has been injured or killed. Please…

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Partnering with UN

Allan writes from Slovakia : When I last wrote, I told you about a group of Ukrainian children who had been returned from being kidnapped to Russia. We had been asked if we could provide counseling for them. Not knowing…

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Precious times in Romania

June 2018 saw the end of the tenth year of the “Just as Precious” programme for young people volunteering in children’s homes. God has each year faithfully brought along the right volunteers, who have all grown through the programme, and…

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YFC Poland New Director

—   In the Summer, Bartek Jakoniuk finished his time as Director of YFC Poland, though he continues to volunteer in the “Narnia” project. In his place, a new Director was welcomed – Krzysztof Kacprowicz, who has also been a volunteer…

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Summer Season of Camps

Many opportunities for gospel witness come in the Summer, as we know in the UK, but also across the region of East Europe – please pray for camps and events being organised by our Partners : English Camp in Bulgaria…

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Slovak help in Africa

Allan wrote last weekend : For your prayers, Caulene goes later today to Ethiopia and Kenya, to visit six different programs which provide schooling to more than 1000 children, of which many are sponsored by Slovak families. She will be…

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Youth for Christ News

Bartek has told us about recent activity in Wroclaw and elsewhere in Poland : At the moment, and until the end of April, YFC, as well as Arka and other charitable organisations, are publicising the Polish scheme whereby people can…

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Official Recognition and Support

Youth for Christ in Poland have been making the most of available avenues for funding through official channels – for instance a government scheme for employees to give a portion of their tax to a nominated charity, and now a…

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Kids Klub in Wroclaw

Kids Klub is an international outreach ministry to children in inner-city areas, already successfully running in cities in the UK and elsewhere. Now, the Youth for Christ Team in Wroclaw is launching a Kidz Klub programme of their own. Bartek…

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Camp Arka Report

As Julia coordinated the English-speaking helpers on Ukrainian camps, so next year this is going to be done for the Arka camps in Poland by Chris Mitchell. He writes that on this year’s Arka camp   “The absolute highlight of…

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