A Book on Emotions

Pavel has published a second book, which he prays will be helpful to people in drawing them to the Lord. He and Julia have had an encouraging time at recent seminars and conferences; read their full report in their latest…

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Encouraging Pastors in Czech

It is wonderful to read how Pavel and Julka have helped and encouraged many individual pastors, who in turn have been able to help others. Read their latest newsletter here : 2022 Parakletos NL Aug

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Czech News

Pavel and Julia are glad to have been able to resume some seminars etc, as well as being involved with those helping with the influx of refugees into Czechia. Read their latest newsletter her : 2022 Parakletos NL April

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Our Partnership

Our CEP Partners in other countries are concerned to know how they can help, and all are to some degree involved, as many refugees come to all their countries. Our school in Bulgaria is seeking to admit refugee children. In…

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Flexibility & Continuity

After a year of working largely online, most of our Partners are starting/hoping to plan for a more “normal” programme for the Autumn, all the while being prepared to be flexible and have a “Plan B” at the ready! Ralph…

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Counselling in Czechia

Pavel and Julia have built up deep relationships of trust with people by being alongside them over many years, so that now these people will turn to them for help in situations of crisis. Now they try to invest in…

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News from Czech Lockdown

Pavel and Julia had a busy first couple of months of the year, and then all changed! They are enjoying family life now, as they explain in their interesting account – read their newsletter here – Parakletos_May2020

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A Warm Czech family Christmas

Parakletos_Dec2019 Pavel and Julia are looking forward to having both their daughters home with them for Christmas and enjoying their traditional foods of carp, potato salad and Christmas cookies. They also hope to allow their girls to warm up, as…

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Czech Seekers

Parakletos –  After a difficult time leading up to the death of Pavel’s mother, he and Julka are now back into the work of teaching, evangelising and discipleship. They have been greatly encouraged to find that many Czechs are real seekers after…

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Seeking Father

This was the title of a recent conference in Czech, where Pavel was overwhelmed by the eagerness and openness of the audience. Pavel still remembers the Communist times, when things were so different, and now says : “We still find…

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