Good News for Kids Club

“Narnia” Club for kids in the deprived area of Wroclaw in Poland, is a facility greatly treasured by the kids who go there, and also greatly valued by the city authorities, who have just, after a year of waiting, granted Youth…

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Narnia and CS Lewis Schools

These two schools, elementary and high school respectively, are in Bratislava, though the Narnia school has two sites, the second in a smaller town just outside the city. The student numbers are currently 400 in the high school, 600 on…

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YFC Poland New Director

—   In the Summer, Bartek Jakoniuk finished his time as Director of YFC Poland, though he continues to volunteer in the “Narnia” project. In his place, a new Director was welcomed – Krzysztof Kacprowicz, who has also been a volunteer…

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Youth for Christ News

Bartek has told us about recent activity in Wroclaw and elsewhere in Poland : At the moment, and until the end of April, YFC, as well as Arka and other charitable organisations, are publicising the Polish scheme whereby people can…

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Official Recognition and Support

Youth for Christ in Poland have been making the most of available avenues for funding through official channels – for instance a government scheme for employees to give a portion of their tax to a nominated charity, and now a…

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Popular Visitor to Narnia

Bartek promised us a few weeks ago that he would soon come back to us with 2 more reports on exciting goings-on in Youth for Christ Poland – and here they are! First, Agata, who leads the drama workshops called “Without a…

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