PRAYER FOCUS. Partner: Ania, Lesvos.

Anna works with refugees in Lesvos, Greece – I’m grateful, that our place looks nicer and nicer for women residents of the camp in Lesvos, we still pray for another trailer or place to extend our centre, as we don’t…

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School now a Refugee Centre

Dear friends. Thank you for your prayers and interest in our lives. I think that God on earth has no other hands to do good than the hands of his followers. Therefore, the school staff thanks you for your good…

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We have all seen the news of Ukrainians flooding to the borders to seek safety in the countries to the West of Ukraine. Our Partners are very closely and personally involved in aiding firstly those with whom we have the…

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Slovak Government Aid

Allan in Bratislava is asking us to pray that Slovak aid will continue to flow to needy people in Africa:   Over the past 15 years, as our work has expanded, God has given us favour with secular authorities in…

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Lots happening in Ukraine

Following his visit to UK last month, Bartek has written a super report of all the recent happenings with himself and Zhanna and their youth work etc etc! Read all about it here: Rivne News April-2017

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