Being Bright in Ukraine

God has been blessing the many different classes which happen within the Education Centre in Lutsk – Early Years; English classes – now renamed “Be Bright”; and now the business school for teenagers. A lot of training for the teachers…

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Support a widow in Ukraine

This year the CEP Summer camps in Poland and Ukraine have enough sponsors, praise God, but here is an opportunity to sponsor someone in real need : Opportunity to offer personal sponsorship to a war widow in Ukraine : Iryna…

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Sanatorium visit

Some news from the Widows Project in Ukraine : A note of thanks from Swieta and Lyena in Ukraine for the gifts sent from UK and Poland to help the women in the Widows group – : “In February two…

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Visitors from Ukraine

Next week, visitors from two of our Partner organisations in Ukraine will be visiting lots of places in Britain, to share about their work. We were very much hoping to welcome Anna on her first trip to UK, but very…

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Happy New Year!

We greet all our Partners in Europe and our supporters in UK at the start of 2018, praying for a year of God’s blessing on the many people and projects fulfilling the Great Commission in many parts of Central and…

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Help needy widows in Ukraine

We are launching a “Just Giving” campaign to raise funds for the many widows supported by Territory 2:2 in Ukraine. You can read about the need, and donate directly online on this “crowdfunding” page : –  just giving-cep-widows JustGiving sends…

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Practical help to Ukraine

We have launched a “Just Giving” appeal to raise funds for our friend Slava, as she spends a lot of money trying to get a visa to come here to the UK (still waiting to hear whether the second application…

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All ages in Ukraine

Territory 2:2 in Lutsk, Ukraine, have sent a lovely report, full of photos, about their work with children of all ages, as well as adults through the language school and the ministry to widows of the ongoing conflict in the…

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