Camp Arka Report

As Julia coordinated the English-speaking helpers on Ukrainian camps, so next year this is going to be done for the Arka camps in Poland by Chris Mitchell. He writes that on this year’s Arka camp   “The absolute highlight of…

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Prayer requests for Summer Activities

10 CEP prayer requests for the Summer *  Arka, Poland – Camp Arka’s 26 native speakers coming through the Cleggs’ home…many youngsters experiencing mission for the first time…pray they would be recruited for the long haul to be labourers in the…

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Touching the Individual

Mass-marketing strategy for huge crowds vs. narrower focus of investing in individuals That is the nub of Wojtek’s latest blog from his Pastors2Pastors ministry in Poland. Read it here

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Popular Visitor to Narnia

Bartek promised us a few weeks ago that he would soon come back to us with 2 more reports on exciting goings-on in Youth for Christ Poland – and here they are! First, Agata, who leads the drama workshops called “Without a…

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Looking at the World differently

We’ve heard from Bartek at Youth for Christ Poland and he is pretty excited about the Lord’s working recently!  — Dear Friends, After a long absence we send you a set of two of our last joys! (next ones are waiting in…

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Meeting the President

Wojtek is in the States this week, but it’s not that president who he’s met! He and Agnieszka had the privilege of meeting and praying with Poland’s President. Read about it in the latest blog

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Christmas News and Needs

We have news about some of our Partners encouraging and practising charity to others in need in their localities, plus news of Christmas activities, plus some needs that we may be able to help with – please contact us if…

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A good Legacy

Wojtek and Agnieszka are currently enjoying a special family holiday in Israel, which will no doubt live on in their memories. In his latest blog, though, Wojtek thinks about what people will remember about us in the future; in their…

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Blessed through serving others

ARKA camps in Poland : Feedback from one of the many “Native Speaker” helpers at the camps – parents love to send their children to these camps because of the English lessons they receive, which are quite a challenge for…

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Here in England, the children are still plodding on at school, but in Eastern Europe, school holidays have begun, and there are many opportunities for children to go away for a week-long camp in the beautiful countryside, or even a…

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