Ukraine Kids Camp

Slava has been running, with all the Territory 2:2 team, a camp in cooperation with the local authorities, for children who have been affected by the war ie their father is away fighting, or has been injured or killed. Please…

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Arka Camps, Poland

This year we have had 2 Camp Arka camps. The first was a day camp, where we had 16 participants and three English speaking guests.  The second was a residential camp in a mountainous area of Poland. We had 50…

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Responding to Crisis

After a 2-year absence, Malcolm was able to travel to the UK again and go round touching base with friends and supporters in a few places. While bringing welcome news that most of the Partners are still busy, although a…

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Flexibility & Continuity

After a year of working largely online, most of our Partners are starting/hoping to plan for a more “normal” programme for the Autumn, all the while being prepared to be flexible and have a “Plan B” at the ready! Ralph…

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Blessing in Ukraine

Heart-warming news from Bartek and Zhanna – – Friends! We would like to share with you what God has done in our lives and ministry over the last months. At the beginning a bit about our family, Zhanna is already…

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Precious times in Romania

June 2018 saw the end of the tenth year of the “Just as Precious” programme for young people volunteering in children’s homes. God has each year faithfully brought along the right volunteers, who have all grown through the programme, and…

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Camping out in Poland and Ukraine

Today is the final day of the third week of Camp Arka  Pray for all the children and teenagers who’ve been there these last 3 weeks, that their whole lives would be impacted by what they’ve seen and heard of the…

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Business Training in Bratislava

  Last week, the core team of the educational centre “Territory 2:2” based in Lutsk, Ukraine, spent five days at the Agathe Centre in Bratislava. These energetic ladies successfully went through personality testing, team-building exercises, strategic and financial planning sessions,…

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Summer Season of Camps

Many opportunities for gospel witness come in the Summer, as we know in the UK, but also across the region of East Europe – please pray for camps and events being organised by our Partners : English Camp in Bulgaria…

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The Reformation in Ukraine

It may seem strange to us, but in Ukraine this year the 500th anniversary of the start of the Reformation has been widely publicised and celebrated. With the date of the anniversary of Luther pinning his 95 theses to the…

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