Concern for Ukraine

CEP’s most active field of ministry in recent times has been Ukraine, with many initiatives there reaching out to many people, meeting physical and material needs with war widow work, clubs and camps for young people, children and families; but…

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More Ukraine Greetings

Christmas Greetings and News now from Sergiy at REALIS in Kyiv, and it is interesting to note that he confirms what we hear on the news here about the border situation…. TA 12.15.21..

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Thanksgiving in Ukraine

We have received Christmas greetings from some of our Partners, and as we all prepare in our various countries for another Christmas under some form of restrictions, let us rejoice in the God who came into this world to redeem…

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Responding to Crisis

After a 2-year absence, Malcolm was able to travel to the UK again and go round touching base with friends and supporters in a few places. While bringing welcome news that most of the Partners are still busy, although a…

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Zoom Conference

For the second year in a row, the annual CEP conference was held on zoom. Of course, we missed the physical interaction and informal chat of the in-person weekend, which we hope will be reinstated next October in Poland, but…

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Treasury of Wisdom

That is the rather wonderful name of the Christian school in Lutsk, Ukraine, one of our Partners. From their latest news, it is clear to see that the Lord is at work in the school and the people connected to…

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News from Bartek&Zhanna

Bartek and Zhanna have been having a busy few months in Ukraine, with lots of changes and new things in their lives. Firstly, reports of the camps they ran : I would like to share with you what has been…

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Flexibility & Continuity

After a year of working largely online, most of our Partners are starting/hoping to plan for a more “normal” programme for the Autumn, all the while being prepared to be flexible and have a “Plan B” at the ready! Ralph…

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Great Progress in Ukraine

It seems strange to us, but in Ukraine things have been able to continue over this past year, with certain restrictions in place, and some things eg building projects, not moving so fast. But we have a great report here…

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More news from Ukraine

Sergiy thanks us for our prayers last week and gives an encouraging update. He asks us to pray for Ukraine – as Russian forces gather on the Eastern border as only 5 people in the whole of Ukraine have been…

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