Bratislava Ecosystem

Allan Bussard has sent us a most helpful video, showing how the many strands of CEP gospel work fit together in Bratislava, but a similar “ecosystem” of gospel workers also operates in other CEP “hubs” such as Wroclaw and Lutsk….

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Baraka Blessing in Bratislava

The CS Lewis School in Bratislava had a very busy term from September to December, including the starting up of the new Residential Community where some students live together with mentors. Martina has told us some of the news from…

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Narnia and CS Lewis Schools

These two schools, elementary and high school respectively, are in Bratislava, though the Narnia school has two sites, the second in a smaller town just outside the city. The student numbers are currently 400 in the high school, 600 on…

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Agathe Center News

April 2018 Welcome to the first edition of the Agathe Center newsletter! “You didn’t build that.” Why your achievements are never really just your own. How do you get from where you are today to the place where you have…

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News from Partners

As we held our CEPUK Board meeting last Saturday, we received greetings and appreciation from several of our Partners in Europe, along with some encouraging items of news : In Slovakia there have been large street demonstrations in protest against corruption, at…

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Happy New Year!

We greet all our Partners in Europe and our supporters in UK at the start of 2018, praying for a year of God’s blessing on the many people and projects fulfilling the Great Commission in many parts of Central and…

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School students helping the more disadvantaged

In Slovakia, the CS Lewis School is one of the highest-achieving in the country, and the students there not only learn all subjects in English, have regular personal mentoring sessions with a Christian, and have opportunity to develop and grow…

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School café run by the students

Martina in Bratislava has sent a really encouraging report about the latest happenings at the CS Lewis School: “I am sending you warm and busy greetings from our school in Bratislava, Slovakia. Many miracles have happened at our school. I…

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English Teacher Wanted!

The CS Lewis/Narnia school in Bratislava has a need for someone to go there ASAP to take over a teaching position left suddenly vacant by the departure, for urgent family reasons, of someone from Australia. Click the link below to…

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