Partnering with UN

Allan writes from Slovakia : When I last wrote, I told you about a group of Ukrainian children who had been returned from being kidnapped to Russia. We had been asked if we could provide counseling for them. Not knowing…

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CEP Partners in Ukraine

REALIS in Kyiv and INTEGRA in Bratislava have joined forces to bring humanitarian aid to people in and around Kyiv. And the Lord wonderfully spared the brand new REALIS dormitory building form Russian looters and it is now being used…

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We have all seen the news of Ukrainians flooding to the borders to seek safety in the countries to the West of Ukraine. Our Partners are very closely and personally involved in aiding firstly those with whom we have the…

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Bratislava Ecosystem

Allan Bussard has sent us a most helpful video, showing how the many strands of CEP gospel work fit together in Bratislava, but a similar “ecosystem” of gospel workers also operates in other CEP “hubs” such as Wroclaw and Lutsk….

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UK International Development Fund supports CEP Partner

Allan writes of a great encouragement from one of the Integra projects in Kenya : Yesterday in Nairobi, our company was selected as the first prize winner in a competition held by UK AID, the British international development agency. The…

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Christmas Appeal

This year, we want to stand alongside our Christian friends in Poland and Slovakia, as they support those they have sent out to mission fields in Asia and Africa. 3 very different, and very significant, projects need help – you…

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Integra Slovakia

Integra began in 1995 as a response to the needs in post-communist Slovakia. Their emphasis has always been on solutions to poverty, at first within Slovakia, and now that Slovakia is a much wealthier country overall, on encouraging Slovaks to…

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New Hope through Cashew growing

Allan updates us about the latest news of mission from Slovakia to Kenya…. Since I last wrote, I was in Kenya at the launch of our new cashew nut project. More than 20 years ago the cashew industry on the…

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Slovak help in Africa

Allan wrote last weekend : For your prayers, Caulene goes later today to Ethiopia and Kenya, to visit six different programs which provide schooling to more than 1000 children, of which many are sponsored by Slovak families. She will be…

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Slovak Youth

In recent weeks there have been big anti-corruption demonstrations in Slovakia. Slovakia is in many ways one of the wealthiest and economically stable countries of the former Eastern European nations, and the Slovak people are bold and ambitious. Integra has for…

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