Ukraine Weekend

Even though Ukraine has many Covid restrictions in place, praise God that they still allow Slava to arrange a weekend for a group of 10 girls to get together over this coming weekend. Slava will be teaching them from the…

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New Year Camp in Ukraine

Dear friends, I thought that you might be interested in a more detailed summary of our winter camp. This was our first camp on New Year itself. New Year celebration is a big thong here in Ukraine, probably like Christmas…

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Ukraine Youth Work

Bartek and Zhanna are really encouraged by the Lord’s blessing on their Youth Work ministry in Ukraine. Thanks to donations made by CEP supporters in UK, we were able to help them financially to upgrade their facilities, which they appreciate….

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Bartek and Zhanna have a very effective and fruitful ministry among young people in their part of Ukraine, using a small building in Orzhiv for most of their work. Bartek has written about their longing for it to be more…

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Slovak Youth

In recent weeks there have been big anti-corruption demonstrations in Slovakia. Slovakia is in many ways one of the wealthiest and economically stable countries of the former Eastern European nations, and the Slovak people are bold and ambitious. Integra has for…

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Lots happening in Ukraine

Following his visit to UK last month, Bartek has written a super report of all the recent happenings with himself and Zhanna and their youth work etc etc! Read all about it here: Rivne News April-2017

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Looking at the World differently

We’ve heard from Bartek at Youth for Christ Poland and he is pretty excited about the Lord’s working recently!  — Dear Friends, After a long absence we send you a set of two of our last joys! (next ones are waiting in…

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A Great Summer in Ukraine

Bartek and Zhanna have been blessed and encouraged by the youth camps they ran during the Summer in their part of Ukraine. They saw the Lord moving in young people’s hearts, and pray that now as their more regular youth…

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Engaging young Slovak Christians

Allan, from Integra in Slovakia, writes: One of our desires is to see a new generation of young people in Slovakia who are not only Christian…but engaged in making a difference. Is this possible?…aren’t all young Europeans secular and bored with questions…

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