Christmas at Ukraine School

Some nice news from the “Treasury of Wisdom School”  : Dear friends, We’d like to tell about the life of our lyceum in December and January and thank you for your prayers, concern and your financial assistance. December started with the…

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A Different sort of School Day

It is amazing how adaptable children can be. At their school now in Lutsk, children have visits from army chaplains and cicil defence instructors; they cope with lessons in underground basements, school lunches cooked outdoors – and yet through it…

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Recognition for Bulgarian School

Nadya is full of praise to God for the great progress the PR Slaveikov School has made in Sofia over the last 3 years, from struggling to being named one of the best schools in Sofia! “I want to share…

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Treasury of Wisdom

That is the rather wonderful name of the Christian school in Lutsk, Ukraine, one of our Partners. From their latest news, it is clear to see that the Lord is at work in the school and the people connected to…

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Good Progress at Bulgarian School

The PR Slaveikov School in Sofia, Bulgaria, has had many difficult years, but this past one has seen much progress, for which we thank the Lord :- “This school year, 2018/19, offered our school great opportunities and we witnessed many…

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School as Mission

This is the thought behind all decisions taken at the PR Slaveikov School in Sofia, Bulgaria – Mission rather than Business. Of course, strategic business and financial planning are needed to run a successful school, and, as Nadya reported at…

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ARKA School

Gosia has been on the Board of Arka since its foundation 25 years ago; she has 6 children, and at least one of them has been a pupil in every one of those 25 years! All the parents similarly say…

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Narnia and CS Lewis Schools

These two schools, elementary and high school respectively, are in Bratislava, though the Narnia school has two sites, the second in a smaller town just outside the city. The student numbers are currently 400 in the high school, 600 on…

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Happy New Year!

We greet all our Partners in Europe and our supporters in UK at the start of 2018, praying for a year of God’s blessing on the many people and projects fulfilling the Great Commission in many parts of Central and…

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Prayer requests for Summer Activities

10 CEP prayer requests for the Summer *  Arka, Poland – Camp Arka’s 26 native speakers coming through the Cleggs’ home…many youngsters experiencing mission for the first time…pray they would be recruited for the long haul to be labourers in the…

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