Integra Aid

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, we at Integra have pivoted towards shipping humanitarian aid to the most needy populations in the East and South of the country. We are now focusing on the newly liberated areas, where…

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Aid from Slovakia

Allan and Caulene in Bratislava have been using the resources of the Integra Alliance to mobilise aid to go into Ukraine and be taken to where it can be effectively transferred to those who are in desperate need. Caulene has…

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CEP Partners in Ukraine

REALIS in Kyiv and INTEGRA in Bratislava have joined forces to bring humanitarian aid to people in and around Kyiv. And the Lord wonderfully spared the brand new REALIS dormitory building form Russian looters and it is now being used…

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Our Partnership

Our CEP Partners in other countries are concerned to know how they can help, and all are to some degree involved, as many refugees come to all their countries. Our school in Bulgaria is seeking to admit refugee children. In…

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Integra Slovakia

Integra began in 1995 as a response to the needs in post-communist Slovakia. Their emphasis has always been on solutions to poverty, at first within Slovakia, and now that Slovakia is a much wealthier country overall, on encouraging Slovaks to…

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New Hope through Cashew growing

Allan updates us about the latest news of mission from Slovakia to Kenya…. Since I last wrote, I was in Kenya at the launch of our new cashew nut project. More than 20 years ago the cashew industry on the…

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Slovak help in Africa

Allan wrote last weekend : For your prayers, Caulene goes later today to Ethiopia and Kenya, to visit six different programs which provide schooling to more than 1000 children, of which many are sponsored by Slovak families. She will be…

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Slovak Youth

In recent weeks there have been big anti-corruption demonstrations in Slovakia. Slovakia is in many ways one of the wealthiest and economically stable countries of the former Eastern European nations, and the Slovak people are bold and ambitious. Integra has for…

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Slovak Government Aid

Allan in Bratislava is asking us to pray that Slovak aid will continue to flow to needy people in Africa:   Over the past 15 years, as our work has expanded, God has given us favour with secular authorities in…

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Mission FROM Eastern Europe

Mission to the East in Poland have several missionaries working in countries further East than Poland, seeking support for them from within Poland (though open to support offered from UK as well!), and they have just accepted a couple who…

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